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korea information, Let's Learn the Korean Language

:: Let's Learn the Korean Language
1. Useful Websites for Korean Language Learning
KOSNET (http://www.interedu.go.kr)
Ministry of Culture and Tourism (http://www.mct.go.kr/koreanthroughenglish/index.htm)
Overseas Korean Foundation (http://www.teenkorean.com)

2. Korean Language Programs in Korea
National Institute for International Education Development (NIIED) (http://www.niied.go.kr)
Seoul National University (Language Education Institute)(http://language.snu.ac.kr/english/pages/SD00001_00.jsp)
Yonsei University(Korean Language Institute) (http://www.yskli.com/index.asp)
Korea University (Korean Language & Culture Center) (http://kola.x-y.net/english)
Sogang University (Center for Korean Language Education) (http://klec.sogang.ac.kr/)
Sungkyunkwan University (Sungkyun Langauge Institute) (http://home.skku.edu/~sli/4/1_eng.php)
Ehwa Woman's Univsersity (Institute of Language Education) (http://elc.ewha.ac.kr/korean/en/index.asp)
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Foreign Language Training & Testing Center) (http://www.eflex.co.kr/)
Kyung Hee University (Institute of International Education) (http://eng.iie.ac.kr

[sources : dynamic-korea.com]

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