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K-Pop Stars

Girls Day to hold concert in Japan Girls Day to hold concert in Japan Lady troupe Girls Day will throw three live concerts next month in Japan. The events, to take place in Tokyo and Osaka, will be held between May 2 and 6. According to the girl group’s Japanese Web site, the concerts will also comprise of a fan meet where the Korean girl group will chat with Japanese fans. Last month, the band garnered notice when member Yura wa.. 더보기
T-ARA、日本単独ショーケースを開催、9月デビューも発表 K-POPファンから日本上陸を熱望されていたガールズグループ「T-ARA」が5日、東京・SHIBYA-AXでついに日本単独ショーケースを開催した。 T-ARA(ティアラ)は「歌謡界の女王になって王冠(ティアラ)をつける」という意味で名付けられ、2009年7月にデビューした7人組。日本上陸のタイミングがいつかと話題になっていたが、ついに日本進出が実現、本格的に活動をスタートさせることになった。 この日のショーケースは無料招待制で、ホームページからの応募抽選による1500名の招待に10万1186通の応募が殺到。当選確率約67倍のT-ARA初の日本単独LIVEのチケットは、まさにプラチナチケットとなり日本ファンのT-ARAへの注目度の高さが証明された。 初のショーケースに先立ち、マスコミ向けにパフォーマンスを披露し、取材に応じたT-ARA。「とても緊張していますが、うれしいから大丈夫。日本の.. 더보기
Passionate K-Pop Fans Lay Siege to Charles de Gaulle Passionate K-Pop Fans Lay Siege to Charles de Gaulle Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris was bristling with K-pop fans on Wednesday afternoon (local time) as they waited for precious glimpses of their idols, ahead of the first-ever live K-pop concert in Europe scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Around 1,000 autograph-hungry fans crowded in front of Gate E at the airport's second terminal, jostlin.. 더보기
K-Pop Promoter Explains Global Ambitions K-Pop Promoter Explains Global Ambitions Lee Soo-man /Yonhap Lee Soo-man, the founder and CEO of Korea's largest talent management agency SM Entertainment, in a press conference in Paris on Saturday in front of some 70 European reporters explained his three-stage business strategy for K-pop to make inroads among European listeners. "I will make the K-pop business model the standard of the global.. 더보기
K-Pop Stars Taking Korean Musicals on Asian Tour K-Pop Stars Taking Korean Musicals on Asian Tour Producers are turning to leading K-pop bands and targeting overseas audiences in a bid to reinvigorate Korea's over-saturated musical market, which is estimated to be worth W250 billion but is feeling the pinch as supply outpaces demand.  Japan, which boasts the largest market for musicals in Asia, is emerging as Korean producers' prime target as.. 더보기